
School Safety and Security

The Third Administrator? Perceptions of School Resource Officers in Predominantly White Elementary Schools

Samantha Viano, F. Chris Curran, Benjamin W. Fisher, Aaron Kupchik

Educational Administration Quarterly, vol. 59(3), 2023, pp. 633-666

Protecting the flock or policing the sheep? Differences in school resource officers' perceptions of threats by school racial composition

Benjamin W. Fisher, Ethan Higgins, Aaron Kupchik, Samantha Viano, F. Chris Curran, Suzanne Overstreet, Bryant Plumlee, Brandon Coffey

Social Problems, vol. 69(2), 2022, pp. 316-334

Do interactions with school resource officers predict students’ likelihood of being disciplined and feelings of safety? Mixed-methods evidence from two school districts

F. Chris Curran, Samantha Viano, Aaron Kupchik, Benjamin W. Fisher

Educational Evaluation & Policy Analysis, vol. 43(2), 2021, pp. 200-232

Exclusionary school discipline and delinquent outcomes: A meta-analysis

Julie Gerlinger, Samantha Viano, Joseph H. Gardella, Benjamin W. Fisher, F. Chris Curran, Ethan M. Higgins

Journal of Youth and Adolescence, vol. 50, 2021, pp. 1493-1509

Kindergarten cop: A case study of how a coalition between school districts and law enforcement led to school resource officers in elementary schools

Samantha Viano, F. Chris Curran, Benjamin W. Fisher

Educational Evaluation & Policy Analysis, vol. 43(2), 2021, pp. 253-279

Police ambassadors: Student-police interactions in school and legal socialization

Aaron Kupchik, F. Chris Curran, Benjamin W. Fisher, Samantha Viano

Law & Society Review, vol. 54(2), 2020, pp. 391-422

The influence of traditional police culture on the activities of school resource officers

Benjamin W. Fisher, F. Chris Curran, Samantha Viano, John Skinner

The Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice and Criminology, vol. 9(1), 2020, pp. 1-28

Mass school shootings and the short-run impacts on use of school security measures and practices: National evidence from the Columbine tragedy

F. Chris Curran, Benjamin W. Fisher, Samantha Viano

Journal of School Violence, vol. 19(1), 2020, pp. 6-19

Why and when do school resource officers engage in school discipline? The role of context in shaping disciplinary involvement

F. Chris Curran, Benjamin W. Fisher, Samantha Viano, Aaron Kupchik

American Journal of Education, vol. 126, 2019, pp. 33-63

Teacher victimization, turnover, and contextual factors promoting resilience

F. Chris Curran, Samantha Viano, Benjamin W. Fisher

Journal of School Violence, vol. 18(1), 2019, pp. 21-38

Students’ feelings of safety, exposure to violence and victimization, and authoritative school climate

Benjamin W. Fisher, Samantha Viano, F. Chris Curran, F. Alvin Pearman, Joseph H. Gardella

American Journal of Criminal Justice, vol. 43(1), 2018, pp. 6-25

High School Graduation & Online Learning

Online credit recovery as an intervention for students who fail courses

Samantha Viano, Gary T. Henry

Educational Policy, vol. 38(1), 2024, pp. 218-253

Online credit recovery school-level enrollment: Intended and unintended consequences

Samantha Viano

Online Learning, vol. 27(2), 2023, pp. 324-342

A choice between second chances: An analysis of how students address course failure

Samantha Viano

American Journal of Education, vol. 128(1), 2021, pp. 29-58

At-risk high school students recovering course credits online: What we know and need to know

Samantha Viano

American Journal of Distance Education, vol. 32(1), 2018, pp. 16-26

Teacher Mobility

Principal and teacher shared race and gender intersections: Teacher turnover, workplace conditions, and monetary benefits

Samantha Viano, Luis A. Rodriguez, Seth B. Hunter

AERA Open, vol. 9(1), 2023, pp. 1-17

What teachers want: School factors predicting teachers’ decisions to work in low-performing schools

Samantha Viano, Lam Pham, Gary T. Henry, Adam Kho, Ron Zimmer

American Educational Research Journal, vol. 58(1), 2021, pp. 201-233

acher-principal race and teacher satisfaction over time, region

Samantha Viano, Seth B. Hunter

Journal of Educational Administration, vol. 55(6), 2017, pp. 624-639

Understanding employee turnover in the public sector: Insights from research on teacher mobility

Jason A. Grissom, Samantha Viano, Jennifer Selin

Public Administration Review, vol. 76(2), 2016, pp. 241-251

Critical Quantitative Methods

A latent class analysis of racial terminology in educational research: Patterns of racial classifications in AERA journals

Samantha Viano, Dominique J. Baker, Karly S. Ford, Marc P. Johnston-Guerrero

Educational Researcher, vol. 54(3), 2024, pp. 213-222

How administrative data collection and analysis can better reflect racial and ethnic identities

Samantha Viano, Dominique J. Baker

Review of Research in Education, vol. 44(1), 2020, pp. 301-331

State policy and the educational outcomes of English learner and immigrant students: Three administrative data stories

Stella Flores, Toby Park, Samantha Viano, Vanessa Coca

American Behavioral Scientist, vol. 61(14), 2017, pp. 1824-1844

School Improvement

Improvement Science and School Leadership: The Precarious Path to Dynamic School Improvement

Samantha Viano, Farnoosh Shahrokhi, Seth Hunter

Frontiers in Education: Leadership in Education , vol. 9, 2024, pp. 1-15

Co-creating school innovations: Should self-determination be a component of school improvement?

Christopher Redding, Samantha Viano

Teachers College Record, vol. 120(11), 2018, pp. 1-32


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